Selasa, 27 September 2016



     1.    Letter Heading
The heading of a business letter contains the name of the enterprise, address, phone number, email number and other information of the communication or sender at the top of the letter, which may be left or right justified or centered at the top of the pages.
Examples :

115 Downing Street  

     2. Date or Dateline
Generally, the date line appears at the right or left side below the sender’s address. This usually typed in one of two ways:
·      (Begin with the day, no comma)
Examples : 15 December 2013
                    28 July 2013
·      (Begin with the month; use a comma)
Examples : December 15, 2013
                    July 28, 2013

     3. References
References number is written at the left portion of the letter in between the heading and the inside address.
Example :

     4. Inside or Recipient’s address
Recipient’s address includes the full address of the receiver or receiving organization to which the letter is directed. Write complete name, title and address of the recipient.
Examples :
a.    Mr. Michel
General Manger
Sonili Trading Co.
62 New York Road
New York-1203
b.    Mr. Prana Pramudya
115 Downing Street

      5. Subject
Adding a subject line makes it easier for the reader to quickly understand the situation. Normally the subject sentence follows the word “Subject:” or “Re:” (regarding). Place the subject after the addressee’s address and before the greeting.
6. Salutation
The salutation is your greeting. Most salutations begin with “Dear” followed by either the recipient’s first name, or title and last name. Endeavor to address all letters to an actual person. However, if you don’t know the person’s name, use Dear Madam/Sir, or the job title, such as Dear Accounting Manager. The salutation is under the subject headline.

     7. The body of the letter
The most important part of the letter is the body which contains the message or information that the sender wants to convey. The body of the letter should be formally written. A  good letter body should fulfill the following requirements : 
·         Concise / short : Never make up sentences just to make a letter look longer.
·         Simple : Avoid making up complex sentences. Try to make up a simple sentence. 
·         Systematic : Always put your ideas in order from A to Z. ( From opening paragraph to closing paragraph there should not be any repetitions)
Body of the Letter consists of 3 paragraphs :
·          the opening paragraph
·          the content paragraph
·          the closing paragraph

      8. Complementary close
To close the letter, insert a phrase such as “sincerely” or “Thank you” or “Yours faithfully” or “Best regards”, “followed by a comma. The most common closing is “Sincerely. “Insert four lines between the closing and sender’s name. This space will be used for your signature once the letter is printed. Sign the name in the space above your name.
     9. Signature Line
Business letter signature line usually consists of signature of the person who writes the business letter. Below the signature we usually put our name. Below our name, sometimes we put our title or position in the company or institution we work in. Mostly, this is just to inform the person who has not known us before.

     10. Identifying Notations
If you type a letter for someone else, add identifying initials. For example if John Doe types a letter for Jane Smith, the notation would be JS:jd. Then, if you are enclosing items in the envelope, add an enclosure notation (Enc:, Encl: or Enclosures) followed by the title of the enclosures. Add the notation cc: followed by the names of everyone receiving a copy.


    1.   Full Block Style
Writing on full block style: business letter usually located on flattened left as letter head, date, inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, complementary a close, signature or as a whole of format letter being in a position flattened left.

Your Name
Phone Number
E-mail (optional)


Name of Receiver
Company Name

Dear __________:

When writing a letter using block form, no lines are indented. Include your name, address, and phone number where you can be contacted, as well as the date. You then include the name and address of the person you are sending the letter to.

With new paragraphs, just skip a line instead of indenting.

Add your phone number where you can be contacted in the last paragraph. If the receiver needs to use a relay service to call you, briefly explain that you are deaf/ hard-of-hearing and that s/he can call you through relay. Give the receiver his/her state relay number and explain that s/he will need to give the operator your number. Then give him/her your number.


Your Signature

Your Name
Your Title

Example Form Letter Full Block Style:

     2.   Indented Paragraphs Style
Date, signature, and closing begin at the horizontal center of the page. All body paragraphs are indented.

Your Name
Phone Number
E-mail (optional)


Name of Receiver
Company Name

Dear __________:
               When writing a letter using indented form, indent each paragraph. First include your name, address, phone number, and the date. This information should be located at the top of the page, either in the center, or indented on the right side of the paper. You then include the name and address of the person to whom you are sending the letter.
               At the end of the letter, place your signature on the right side of the page. Don't forget to provide any relay information if necessary.


Your Signature

Your Name
Your Title

Example Form Letter Indented Paragraphs Style:

    3.   Blocked Paragraphs Style
Date, signature, and closing begin at the horizontal center of the page. All body paragraphs begin at the left margin.

Your Name
Phone Number
E-mail (optional)


Name of Receiver
Company Name

Dear __________:

When writing a letter using blocked form, indent each paragraph. First include your name, address, phone number, and the date. This information should be located at the top of the page, either in the center, or indented on the right side of the paper. You then include the name and address of the person to whom you are sending the letter.
At the end of the letter, place your signature on the right side of the page. Don't forget to provide any relay information if necessary.


Your Signature

Your Name
Your Title

Example Form Letter Blocked Paragraphs Style:


    4.   Simplified Style
All letter parts begin at the left margin. This format includes a subject line but omits the salutation and signature.

Your Name
Phone Number
E-mail (optional)


Name of Receiver
Company Name

SUBJECT LINE (use capital letters)

When writing a letter using simplified style form, put the date on the left. Then, put the receiver's name, and his/her title, company name, and address.
Write a subject line instead of a salutation. The subject line must be in all capital letters.
At the end of the letter, put your name and title, all in capital letters.


Example Form Letter Simplified Style:


Sumber :